We have all heard about PTSD – Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – and the impact this has on individuals for months, or even years, after the distressful event. There are two other possible outcomes.
Autonomy is the ability to make an un-coerced decision. In the work environment, autonomy is the ability to operate in a “Want To” culture. As leaders, we can threaten autonomy by overusing our positional power. This overuse of power creates a “my way or the highway” approach, with little respect or consideration of staff.
As we develop ourselves, our teams, and organisations, what is needed to get to the next level changes. It takes more effort and energy to get there. In other words, what got you this far will not take you to the next level.
Optimism can be described as a tendency to expect good things to happen in the future, or to view success as the likely outcome in most situations.
Have you ever felt like a passenger in your life? Perhaps circumstances conspire against you, or you are a victim of other people’s failures? Or perhaps a colleague finds every possible excuse as to why things are going wrong?